This year Jachin was Johnny Storm, The Human Torch, from the Fantastic Four. (Of course he was a superhero!) It was great because he already had the Fantastic Four costume thanks to Aunt Meredith last Christmas. So all we needed was boots and orange hair dye. Kimberlyn decided she wanted to be Super Girl. This surprised me. I expected a princess. But every Super Girl costume was pricey, so we went creative. We used Jachin’s Superman cape (with muscles and all). I did search Norman for a red skirt. The only skirt in Norman was $12, not bad. THEN....Kimberlyn decided the day of the Family Fun Fest at church that she wanted to be Cinderella again (like last year). This is just like a girl, changing her mind at the last minute. I did talk her into being Super Girl at church, as long as she could be Cinderella on Halloween. She was adorable. So on Wed. Jachin dressed up for his school party, and Kimberlyn (Cinderella) went to her Dance party and her school party. Jachin’s hair was out of control! He loved it, but me...not so much. We kept finding orange on things, even after washing his hair one million times. His pillow case was orange, the back of the car seat, etc. Keep in mind this happened twice--Sunday and Wed. Jachin’s hair was slightly orange for a few days. Needless to say, everything is back to it’s original color. We made it out this year for a reasonable amount of money. Now next year we have three CREATIVE costumes to come up with.