This summer has been such a joy! I guess having Bo home, makes us feel like a complete family. I have such a peace and weight lifted off my shoulders. However, you know I like projects, so I am sure there will be many coming. But so far, we have taken it easy.
For a photo summary, click here.
Here is a short update on what we have been up to:
Andy has been running the Satellite Service and making plans for the future. Summer is always the planning time for the upcoming college year. We have been teaching the summer college bible study together on Ruth. It has been fun to prepare and teach together. We have never done that, and we are enjoying it. Andy is coaching Jachin’s Tball team this summer, and he is doing an excellent job. It is funny to watch some of the hothead coaches. The parents on our team have expressed many times how grateful they are to have Andy. Andy just got back from Florida, where he visited his family and went to his niece’s high school graduation! Time has flown! Andy is being a handyman this summer, and he is sanding and restaining our playground. This is a HUGE project. It has taken several weeks for him to complete a third of it. I think he is ready for this project to be over. However, the main thing he is anticipating this summer is the new 3G iphone!
Jachin just completed his kindergarten year and will be a 1st grader in the fall! I can’t believe how big he is getting! He is an amazing reader and is having a lot of fun discovering all the books and signs he can read. He is playing Tball again this summer, and it has finally clicked! He is hustling to the ball on every play. Jachin chose his haircut this year, which is the cute long look of Zac Efron. I love the independence he is showing this year.
Kimberlyn is going to be in Pre-K at the same school as Jachin. She is so excited to be with her big brother. She sits down to do homework with him everyday. She is such a big girl. I was amazed at how fast she learned to write her name this year. It is not an easy thing to remember. She had her big dance recital in May which was precious. This week she is going to gymnastics camp, which she loves.
Bo is doing so well! I can’t believe he has been home 6 months! After having tubes put in his ears, his speech and attitude have improved. He is like a different little boy. He is so much happier and energetic. He is starting to test the boundaries, which means he feels comfortable now. He is starting to tattle and fight, just like a true sibling! He loves the little pool we have in the backyard, but he is not sure about the big neighborhood pool. Who knows how he will react to the beach in a few weeks? He loves watching Jachin play ball, and he runs the bases around our living room all day long. We are starting to potty train, which after I relaxed my strict attitude, has been going well. :)
I am co-teaching the college bible study with Andy, and I have really liked getting back into teaching. It is such a bitter sweet thing for me. I love preparing, but I get so nervous actually teaching the lesson. It has been fun discussing things with Andy every week, when I tell him where he is wrong and what he should say. I am sure he doesn’t enjoy it as much as me! :) I have been working once or twice a week at the hospital, on nights as usual. But the main thing I have really enjoyed has been being home everyday with the kids. I was a little hesitant when I thought about all three kids, all day, every day. But it has turned out great. They are such good kids. I really missed having Jachin home while he was in all day kindergarten. It has been really fun watching them develop their roles. Now ask me again at the end of the summer, and it may be another story! One of the things that has helped in this area, too, has been our date night. Andy is good about making sure we have this time alone together. He even brought me flowers the other day!
So life in our household is good. Thank you God for blessing us!