All three kids dressed up for halloween. This was Bo’s first halloween, so he really didn’t know what to expect. Jachin was Indiana Jones, Kimberlyn was Sleeping Beauty, and Bo was Spiderman. We went to the church fall festival on Sunday and then trick or treated in our neighborhood on Halloween. Bo got into going up to the door to get candy. So much so, that when he came home, when the doorbell rang with trick or treaters, he would go running to the door with his bag. I guess he thought they were there to give him candy!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween 2008
All three kids dressed up for halloween. This was Bo’s first halloween, so he really didn’t know what to expect. Jachin was Indiana Jones, Kimberlyn was Sleeping Beauty, and Bo was Spiderman. We went to the church fall festival on Sunday and then trick or treated in our neighborhood on Halloween. Bo got into going up to the door to get candy. So much so, that when he came home, when the doorbell rang with trick or treaters, he would go running to the door with his bag. I guess he thought they were there to give him candy!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Roadtrip 2008
Jachin went on the College Roadtrip with Andy. They drove up to the OU vs Kansas State football game on the church bus. He has been so excited all week. He went on the trip last year and played Cody’s DS the entire way. This year he brought his own DS. He is growing up! :) They had a blast, although Jachin was verrrry cold!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Bo's 3rd Birthday
We were so excited to celebrate Bo’s 3rd birthday. It was his first birthday party with us. He had a birthday party when he turned 2 at the orphanage for all the kids in the month of October. But he had never had a party just for him. We had family (Nana, Papa, Jeremy, Mel) and the Nichols over for tacos. The Nichols brought queso and Chili’s salsa! Bo loved the attention and the excitement. He dove into his cupcake. He definitely has a sweet tooth. We really didn’t have a theme. I just used an assortment of birthday hats and plates. We had Thomas the Train, Buzz Lightyear, Star Wars, Spiderman, Clifford, etc. The presents were funny. Bo didn’t know how to rip the wrapping paper. Kimberlyn helped out on that. Bo didn’t know what to do with all the choices of things to play with. It ended up that he wanted whatever someone else had. We have taught him greed! What a wonderful American trait! He got a train table with a huge train set. He loves playing with that. He also loves his rolling Spiderman backpack, firetruck, and shopping cart. Basically if it has wheels he loves it. We went down to Houston the next day for Fall Break. Bo had a birthday party there too! It was Thomas the Train themed, and he received more toys. His Mimi and Pa took him to a place like PumpItUp and he loved all the bouncy blow up things. We now have too many toys for his room, and will be weeding them out before Christmas!
To see birthday pics, click here.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Jachin's Theology

Recently Jachin and I were discussing sin. I was telling him how we should try not to sin, because it pleases God. I told him if he did sin though, that God would forgive him. I was trying to stress the importance of pleasing God, not the importance of rule following--more the motive behind the action. So here is what Jachin responded with:
So sinning is like riding a bike and falling down. You don’t die....but you might get hurt. But you should just get back up and keep trying. You should just keep going.
Or it is like driving a car and taking a wrong turn. You won’t die, but it might take you longer to get where you are going.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Joel's Wedding
Friday, October 3, 2008
Another Needed Mother Reminder
I was reminded of some verses in a book I have been reading. It struck a chord with me, so I thought I would share.
“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs (your children) with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young (you!)”
Isaiah 40:11
Thursday, October 2, 2008
RoughRider Run
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ugandan Childrens Choir

We went to Shawnee the other day to see the Ugandan Orphans Choir perform. They were fun and amazing dancers. All the kids enjoyed seeing them, but Bo couldn’t contain himself. He was moving to the music the whole time. The kids have been singing their songs all week. They even sing them with an accent. :)