Tuesday, November 10, 2009
While I'm Waiting...
--Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I have been much more patient with this second adoption process, than when we were waiting for Bo. But I have still struggled with my need for control and instant gratification. I am not as uptight and obsessive as I was with the Haitian process. Yet I think and pray about it all the time. I know this is a normal reaction, and that God can use this time. In fact, I was able to write a devotional for an adoption book that some friends of mine are making. What a great blessing!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Oct 09
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Kimber's Baptism
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Adoption Scrapbook
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Medicine Park
I took the kids to Medicine Park to climb around on Mt. Scott. They loved being up high and looking down on the world. We did some "rock climbing"...well as much as a 7, 5, and 3 year old can do. Bo was not too thrilled with his itchy legs and the big rocks. He is all for being outside and hot, but I don't see hiking in his future. Kimberlyn and Jachin loved the big boulders. Jachin loved having another opportunity to climb something.
Bo's 1st day
Thursday, August 20, 2009
1st day of school
Well it has been a crazy last few weeks of summer. My sister moved to Lawton with her family, which is so much closer! My mom and dad went on a trip to Ireland. Andy's sister moved to Houston with the girls. Jachin had two teeth removed. I went to a wedding in Branson and my brother went to San Diego.
But today school started again! Jachin is in 2nd grade and Kimberlyn is in Kindergarten. They looked so cute this morning getting ready. They are so excited. Bo is ready for school too, but his preschool doesn't start until next week. What will I do next week when I have 2 days alone? This morning was very calm and smooth. We ate breakfast, packed lunches, got dressed without crying, and even had a devotional. I can guarantee that this will not be the norm. Kimberlyn usually complains that every outfit is itchy or her shoes are too tight. We usually pack lunches in a rush or say just eat at school today. We always have good intentions with family devotions, but they haven't seemed to stick in the morning yet. Most of that is my fault. I am not a morning person. I am happy to say that I am very productive in the afternoon. This summer I had the kids do homework and devotions most afternoons. Too bad school starts at 7:55 am!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Be a thermostat, not a thermometer
I heard this quote today and it struck a cord with me. I can be a complainer. I can blame things on the best of them. Maybe I should be a change maker instead of a fact stater. It reminds me of my dad's favorite saying when I was growing up. "Happiness is a choice" I won't go so far as to say that my dad was right, but it is similar. :)
Dentist Office conversation
Bo: No
Kimberlyn: Bo, he is the one that takes care of you! How can you say there is no God?!
Bo: No, No, No
Kimberlyn: Fine, you can go to thereisnogod.com
Kimberlyn has been talking about God a lot lately. She is always thinking about Jesus and speaking very plainly about how she is a Christian. It is cute to see her little mind working. When Jachin became a Christian, he sat Kimber down and witnessed to her. He asked her all the conversion questions. He played his Bibleman video that had the plan of salvation on it for her. She was only 3, but he was convinced that she became a Christian that day. So now Kimberlyn is trying to witness to her little brother. She asked Bo the other day if he believed in God. He just sat there staring at her. She got so frustrated that she said, "Mom, you ask him the questions!" I don't think she is going to be an evangelist. She will be more of the fire and brimstone kind of person.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tshirt fundraiser
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Medika Mamba

Renald has been referred to the Medika Mamba program this summer.
Medika Mamba (meaning “medical peanut butter” in Haitian Creole) is an energy dense peanut butter, significantly fortified with protein and nutritional supplements developed by St. Louis-based meds and Foods for Kids www.medsandfoodforkids.org.
The Medika Mamba formula delivers almost immediate results. Peanut butter is a culturally acceptable food source in Haiti so is easily adopted by the children. The peanuts from which the product is made are locally grown and provide much-needed jobs. The cost to deliver is low and the results are amazing.
The cost of the 60-day treatment plan for each child is only $100 which includes the product, transportation and precessing fees. Tara Livesay is doing a fundraiser to fund the program with World Wide Village and several partner organizations. Their goal is $26,000 which could potentially feed 250 malnourished children.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

OK, so I am thinking about doing Tshirts for an adoption fundraiser. What do you think? I tried to make something that wasn’t too feminine. I love the idea that this is not adoption specific....it is applicable for all Christians. Tell me what you think before I head down the road of researching prices. You know I am obsessive so it may not be very long!
Summer Lovin'
This summer has been busy but wonderful. Andy and I went to NC for a pastor’s conference. The kids stayed with my parents and we had a wonderful time. We have had Tball for Kimberlyn, SportsCamp Tennis for Jachin, Machine pitch baseball for Jachin, VBS, and swimming @Nana/Papa’s. Andy was an assistant coach for both Tball and baseball. It was hectic but a blast. I was ready for the season to end when the weather started reaching the 100’s. Having the pool at Nana and Papa’s has been wonderful with all the hot weather.
We took a family vacation to Sea World in San Antonio. The kids loved it and it was a great trip. We stayed in a hotel and Bo said, “I don’t like this room.” He had never been to a hotel before, and wasn’t quite sure about it. But by the end of the trip he didn’t want to leave. We had a free shuttle to the park and we brought plenty of water and snacks. We had a two day pass and it was perfect. The kids loved the rollercoasters and of course Shamu. We went to the waterpark area for half of the second day. Kimberlyn said the trip was more fun than “100 elephants.” I guess it was a hit.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Daddy/Daughter Date

Andy and Kimberlyn went on a Daddy/Daughter Date to a ballet. One of the college students in our ministry is a dance major at OU. She was in the performance and let us know about it. Kimberlyn loved it! She sat and watched the whole thing. She loved spending the afternoon with her daddy. Isn’t she beautiful!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Jachin's Talent Show
Jachin sang in his school’s talent show. He was so cute. He wanted to sing a God song. His first choice had Wine in the title. We had to talk him out of that, due to the preapproval of all lyrics. He chose “You make everything Glorious” by David Crowder. Andy played the guitar and Jachin sang. He was great! I was so proud of him for having the confidence to sing in front of the entire school. He is such an evangelist!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Dance Recital 2009
Kimberlyn had her annual dance recital. She was adorable as always. She had one ballet number based on “How much is that Doggy in the window?” with a dog collar and all. She also had a tap number with boas. It was so cute to watch her beam up on stage. Dance is definitely up her alley. She loved getting the flowers from her daddy.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bo's Citizenship

Bo is officially a US citizen. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but he loved his flag. Kimber asked, “Did I get a flag when I became a citizen?” Bo can now apply for a passport and we can make him a world traveler. Although when we talked to the kids about a trip to Haiti, it didn’t sound too promising:
Andy: Do you want to go with us sometime to Haiti?
Jachin: Yes!
Kimberlyn: Yes!
Bo: No
I guess he was thinking, been there, done that.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Waiting Patiently....
Easter 2009
Easter was rainy this year. We went to Melissa’s parent’s house and had an indoor egg hunt. The kids had a blast. The kids went to a Good Friday Service with Andy which was a hymn service. Bo came back singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” which is his new favorite song. He likes the repetitious songs. So far this year he likes “Come to the Water,” “Let it Glow” and “Our God is a God who Saves.” During the Sunday morning service Andy showed a video that was off of the sermon It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin’. The kids have liked saying that over and over and over.....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Red/White Game
We took the kids to the OU Red/White game. It was a beautiful sunny day which has been rare lately. I was a bad mom and Kimberlyn got a little sunburned. We were able to see Brandon Caleb on the sidelines. He was so nice to take a picture with the kids, because then he was flooded with people asking for his autograph. And of course we had to climb the huge trees on campus!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I was hungry and you gave me food....
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me....Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
My first Haiti Mission Trip

Andy and I took a group of college students to Haiti for a mission trip over Spring Break. It was an amazing trip for all of us. Andy’s parents kept the kids for us and my dad recovered from his surgery. So I wasn’t worried about the kids at all. You know that this is half the battle for Moms. We were gone a week and they were entertained the entire time. I was so excited about this trip because I have never been on a mission trip. I have always said I would be a missionary to Africa where you had to drop in from a helicopter. This was the closest I have come to that. And then to top it off, we went to Haiti, a country dear to my heart. We went to an orphanage called Hands and Feet where 38 orphans live. They are located in Jacmel, the Voodoo capital of Haiti. They are taking care of their physical needs while teaching them the truths of the Bible. What an impact these children will have on Haiti when they grow up! I fell in love with the kids and can’t wait to go back. We did hard manual labor while the kids were at school everyday. We basically tilled the ground with pick axes and shovels. We removed rocks that had been left by the hurricanes last year. We sifted rocks out of the dirt for the playground area. The guys dug a septic drain for the kids house. We painted the white buildings and the playground equipment. We swept rocks off the roofs. We worked hard!
To see the photo album click here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dad's Surgery

Monday, February 23, 2009
Jachin's Surgery
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Pinewood Derby
Monday, February 9, 2009
Boaz Kerson McDonald--It's official!
We had a courtdate today for the State of Oklahoma to acknowledge Bo’s adoption. Judge Bonner officially changed his name to Boaz Kerson McDonald. We went back and forth on his name, but finally ended up with Boaz as his first name. We think that will be easier since he goes by “Bo.” I decided to not hire a lawyer for the adoption. I didn’t use an agency for the Haitian adoption, why start now? But I did need a little help from the lawyer grandparents. ;) The court proceedings were short and sweet. We had no problems with the order that Papa made, and the judge simply glanced at the pile of paperwork. He had us swear to be Bo’s parents and let Bo hit the gavel on the bench. Kimberlyn and Nana were watching as we officially adopted Bo. It was a stressful, but surprisingly easy day. I went up to the State Health Dept to get Bo’s Certificate of Foreign Birth. That was more stressful than the court proceedings. We waited for a long time, but finally they gave us his official “birth cert.” Now if Bo needs a birth cert, we can get a copy from Oklahoma instead of trying to track down one in Haiti (that is in French)! My next step is Bo’s citizenship....
For the photo album of today, click here.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Ski Trip

We took the entire family on the college ski trip this year. It was a blast! We took the kids out of school for 4 days and drove to NM on the church bus. They were so good on the 10 hour drive. We stayed at the Miller’s house, which made it an incredibly cheap trip. Robin and Joel drove down and were the hostesses with Joel’s mom. What an amazing family they are, with such servant hearts. Jachin took ski school the first day to learn to snowboard. He loved being cool. Kimberlyn also took ski school to learn to ski. She had little pink skis to match her all pink snowsuit. Bo hung out with me in the lodge. He was not so excited about the snow and cold weather. I guess when you grew up in the Caribbean, you aren’t happy about bundling up and freezing. It was so fun watching them on the slopes. Kimberlyn was a speed-demon! She would just go straight down the hill with no fear. Jachin had a small bout of altitude sickness, but quickly loved boarding. Robin and Joel took the kids home for us one afternoon so that I could ski with Andy. It was so fun going fast. I guess that is where Kimber gets it. Bo enjoyed wresting with all the college guys, being as rough as he could be.
Click here for the ski trip photo album.