Well it has been a crazy last few weeks of summer. My sister moved to Lawton with her family, which is so much closer! My mom and dad went on a trip to Ireland. Andy's sister moved to Houston with the girls. Jachin had two teeth removed. I went to a wedding in Branson and my brother went to San Diego.
But today school started again! Jachin is in 2nd grade and Kimberlyn is in Kindergarten. They looked so cute this morning getting ready. They are so excited. Bo is ready for school too, but his preschool doesn't start until next week. What will I do next week when I have 2 days alone? This morning was very calm and smooth. We ate breakfast, packed lunches, got dressed without crying, and even had a devotional. I can guarantee that this will not be the norm. Kimberlyn usually complains that every outfit is itchy or her shoes are too tight. We usually pack lunches in a rush or say just eat at school today. We always have good intentions with family devotions, but they haven't seemed to stick in the morning yet. Most of that is my fault. I am not a morning person. I am happy to say that I am very productive in the afternoon. This summer I had the kids do homework and devotions most afternoons. Too bad school starts at 7:55 am!!!