Monday, September 22, 2008

Houston Hurricane

Andy’s parents live in Houston. After the Hurricane, they lost a 30 foot tree (which thankfully fell in the street, and not on their roof), and had a small leak. Part of their fence fell down, but otherwise, not much damage occurred. However, they were without electricity or water. You don’t realize how much you rely on those things until they are gone! So they came up to Oklahoma to stay with us. They were here a week, and everyone had a great time. While they were here, we put them to work. We sanded and stained the gigantic playground/fort in our backyard. We had started this project at the beginning of the summer, but had never had the time to finish it. So now the fort looks gorgeous!

We were so happy that the timing worked out for Andy’s parents to take supplies down to Baytown. One of Andy’s friends, Dave Branham, is a youth minister near Galveston. They have turned their church into a make shift shelter. Andy called Dave and asked him what he needed. The Acteens that my mom directs and I “help”, put together ziplock bags full of soap, deodarant, toothbrushes, candy, bible verses, etc. Andy’s parents took them back with them to Houston to deliver to Dave. It was so neat to watch the girls work so hard to help others.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a blessing to have a wonderful family and home to evacuate when Ike hit. It was a blessing to be able to finish the huge "project" with Andy and Christy. It looks great! It was also a blessing to deliver the "hurricane care packages" to Baytown Memorial Red Cross Center. The Red Cross volunteer from Virginia told us they really needed the items. They were almost out. These refugees of hurricane Ike were very needy. It was a great outpouring of Christian love and compassion to share with them.

    Please continue to pray for our city and surrounding areas. It is total devestation in some areas. There are Houstonians who have been without power for 11 days. We are blessed with electricity, air conditioning and a safe house. God's blessings are new evey day. Thank you Christy and Andy, Jachin, Kimberlyn and Bo for such a warm welcome. We love you very much. Love you Mimi and PA
    Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 09:59 PM
