Monday, November 5, 2007

Here I Am to Worship

Jachin is a pastor’s son. That means at some point in his life he will have to be called down for talking in church from the stage and that everyone always knows most of the embarrassing moments in his life!

It also means that he will be given a mic and required to sing at his father’s whim. A few months ago Jachin came to praise band practice and impromptu we sang “Here I Am To Worship” and the whole band joined in. Amy Nichols thought it was cute and took this picture.

Well, this Sunday I thought that it would be great if Jachin sang for the Satellite Service. He got all dressed up in his chord jacket and jeans (his father’s preferred Sunday attire!) and sang for all the kids at the Satellite Service. He did a great job!



  1. Dear Jachin,
    I am so proud of you. How brave you are to sing in front of so many people. Your song is one of my personal favorite praise songs. You are a very gifted young man. Always make sure you continue to use your talent to glorify God.

    I know your mom and dad are very proud of you. We are too. Keep singing for the Lord. Tell your dad how much we appreciate his sharing your solo debut with us. I guess that talent just runs in both sides of the family.
    I love you and wll see you soon.

    Hugs and kisses
    Monday, November 5, 2007 - 08:08 PM

  2. How awesome is that!! I wish you guys were closer so I could meet your sweet kids and see them regularly. Isn't is funny how close yet how far away it is from Piedmont to Norman. By the way, when did we get old enough to have kids old enough to do cool stuff like this?

    Keep in touch,
    Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - 12:04 PM

  3. Cousin Ashlee
    Hey guys!

    Jachin, that was wonderful! It brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. I had Connor in my lap and we listened together. He smiled and got so excited...I am guessing he liked it just as much as I did! We love you and miss you all so much!
    Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - 04:48 PM

  4. Shelly
    I love the little precious! Already starting in his ministry. Look forward to seeing what is to come for him...
    Saturday, November 10, 2007 - 03:18 PM

  5. Almost every night when I put Jachin to bed he wants to sing Tim Hughes’ “Here I Am To Worship”. I met Tim Hughes at a Passion Conference in 2006 and thanked him for writing this song to God. I told him about Jachin and he thought that was great.
    November 10, 2007
