Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Adoption Scrapbook

We are taking all our paperwork down to Houston on Saturday for the adoption agency. One of the things they ask for is a scrapbook of your house and family. I am craft challenged, so I decided to do digital scrapbooking. They actually turned out pretty good...if I do say so myself.


  1. Hi! I think this may be my first visit to your blog. We are in the process of adopting two little boys from Haiti, and we have also adopting three times domestically. It is so wonderful to see your son Bo at home (we long for that day!) I noticed that you are now adopting through an agency in Houston and if by chance it is New Life I wanted to say what a blessing they were to us when we briefly worked with them. God bless you in your new journey!

  2. Christy,
    I love those digital scrapbook pages you created. Those are beautiful! You are very talented! I need to find out what software you use.
    By the way, your family is so adorable! Paul and I love you guys!
