Thursday, January 5, 2012

Meet Berline

We are happy to introduce you to our new daughter in Haiti!  She is turning 6 years old this month.  We are so excited to add her to our family.  A Haitian adoption is a long and unpredictable process, but we know it is worth the wait.  The wait could be a year, we really don't know.  Please pray with us as we wait for our daughter to come home.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I am so excited for you that you are adopting again. Congratulations! I just received your card in the mail today with the picture of your beautiful family and the news about beautiful Berline. Then I came here to see more - all the pictures of everybody are so good. I hope the process goes as quickly as possible to get Berline home to her family in Norman. I bet Kimberlyn will be happy to have a sister for a change - ha! Keep us informed as you get more news. Give everyone hugs for me. Love,Sherry
