Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Berline October Update

Happy Fall from GLA Andrew and Christy,
Things here at GLA have not yet slowed down and there is not much sign of it slowing.  That is to be expected with around close to 150 kids in residence though.  We are still working to get the funds to the children in the school sponsorship program and welcome new volunteers, teams, and visitors weekly.  We have been blessed to see a number of families come to meet their children for the first time this month and a few of them who got to go home with their forever family!  It is a true honor to witness these milestones in the lives of each child we call ours and in the families that are welcoming them into their hearts and homes.  This month, I have been reminded why I do what I do in a big way as I watch families open their arms to their children week after week.  I would like to thank each of you for opening your lives to these precious angels.  I hope these monthly updates bless you and give you just a little relief as you wait for Berline to come home.
This month’s theme for our Toddler House updates is School.  I took class photos of the kids and am going to highlight their class schedule for you this month.  I am also including a little biography about their current teachers along with a little bit about what their teachers had to say about how they have done in school so far this year.  From an outsiders perspective, it is evident that the majority of the kids at the Toddler House look forward to school each day and that they look up to their teachers and treat them with respect.
I hope you enjoy seeing and learning a little bit about Berline’s teachers and friends in their school day.
Berline has a full day of school here at GLA.  From 9am-12pm she attends French/Creole class with Elange and Michaelle. Elange has been teaching at GLA’s Toddler House for 5 years.  She is from Petion-Ville and has one baby, who was born this year.  She has two classes that she teaches each day. One is held in the morning and the other in the afternoon. They cover all subjects and are taught in both Creole and French.  Elange says that she likes teaching the children at the Toddler House because she gets to teach them many things and they are intelligent.  She is an excellent teacher and all the students in her class look up to her as a role model.  Michaelle just began working GLA this year as Elange’s teaching assistant.  She is from Kenscoff and has one son.
After lunch Berline has computer class from 1pm-2pm.  There are currently two computer classes at the Toddler House, each of them is an hour long.  It is has been exciting to be able to expose the older kids to computers and how they operate.  Dave is from Austrailia and has been a part of GLA’s international staff for just under 2 years.  Dave is the primary computer teacher at the Toddler House and ensures that all the computers and games are up-to-date and fun.  John teaches the majority of the computer classes.  He is the foster son of the missionary couple who runs GLA’s guesthouse.  He recently graduated from high school and is a great help with our computer classes! Next Berline has English class with Joyce from 2:00-3:30pm.  Joyce has been a part of GLA’s international staff for close to 9 years.  She is in charge of the school program here at GLA and is passionate about helping the kids excel in their education.  In addition to teaching 4 English classes, Joyce assists Molly with the daily operations of the Toddler House.  The kids all love Joyce because she knows how to make learning fun and exciting.  
On Sunday mornings Berline attends Sunday school and you will see a few photos from that attached as well.
Berline seems to enjoy school a lot.  She likes to call her teachers “Petit Bondye” which means “child of God” but she translates it as “You Baby Jesus” and then laughs at herself. She really does have a great sense of humor.  Elange says that Berline needs to work on her reading and math but that she is one of the best behaved students she has in class.  She is never naughty.
It was great to see you both again on your visit here this month! I am sure Berline was pleased with your visit and that she was so happy to see you again and to meet her sister.  I am praying the rest of your process goes quickly and that you are here again soon to bring Berline home!
Berline is healthy and growing:
Height: 128 cm
Weight: 56 lb

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