Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Berline January Update 2013

Hello from God’s Littlest Angels, Andrew and Christy!
December and January have been very busy and exciting months here at God’s Littlest Angels.  We have had more children transition into their new lives with their forever families and have welcomed numerous visitors and volunteers who help us love the children and get projects accomplished. 
Even with 76 kids currently living at the Toddler House, Molly and Joyce made Christmas Day extra special for each child there.  I was honored to be here at GLA throughout Christmas for all the celebrations.  This is the first year in my three years at GLA that I am able to give you a first hand account of the holiday festivities and I am looking forward to it!   I was even able to attach additional photos of Berline with her toys or stocking on Christmas morning.
Christmas Day (or “jingle bells” according to the kids) at the Toddler House began with the children waking up to a large decorated Christmas tree in their play yard.  The tree was on a blue carpet and it was brimming with gifts for each child underneath.  It had been set out and decorated after they went to bed on Christmas Eve so they could wake up to the surprise.  The oldest group of kids made their way out into the yard as soon as they were allowed to check out the tree and gifts close up.  The other children checked out the tree in wonder and excitement for what the day was about to hold as they made their way to eat breakfast.  Breakfast consisted of special cereal that they do not have on a regular basis.  After breakfast everyone was given a brand new outfit, picked out especially for them to wear that Christmas day.  After everyone was dressed in their new outfit, the older kids prepped to act out the Christmas story.  Once dressed in their costumes they made their way outside and while one of the nannies read the Christmas story, they acted out the story of Jesus birth as all of the other kids watched.  Next it was time to open the gifts under the tree!!  A large circle of benches and chairs were set up around the tree and after each child had found a place to sit, Molly and Joyce passed out a gift to each kid.  After a everyone had their gift and a short countdown, everyone tore into the wrapping paper to see what the treasure in their lap was.  The next couple of hours before lunch was filled with checking out their new toy, trading toys for a while to see what other treasures were in the yard, and enjoying some play time underneath the big tree.  Lunch was very special as well.  It consisted of the most favorite Haitian celebratory meal staples such fried chicken, rice & beans, and fried plantain.  In addition to their large meal that had some sweet treats of cupcakes and coke or sprite to drink.   The little ones then went down for a nap or rest while the older group of kids watched a movie – theater style – in the dining room.  After nap/rest time it was time to receive their stockings.  A stocking for each child was set up on a table in the middle of the yard as the kids gathered around and were handed a stocking as they waited patiently for everyone to receive theirs. After a short countdown everyone checked out the small toys and candy that was stuffed inside their red stocking.  The rest of the afternoon was filled with more playtime with all their new toys.  By 6pm, it was evident that everyone was exhausted and ready for a little supper and bedtime.
Berline seemed to be in great spirits all throughout Christmas day.  She truly seemed to be smiling each time I saw her. She was so excited to see the tree in the yard when she woke up and could not stop talking with her friends about what might be in the wrapped packages.  She had a giant smile in her face when she saw her new outfit and made sure that everyone around her took notice of how nice her new shirt was.   While waiting for the older kids to act out the Christmas story, Berline sang a song with her friends in front of all the little ones.  When it was time to open the gifts she found a spot to sit with her friends and waited with anticipation and excitement.  There is a sweet photo I snapped of her friends looking on as Berline opens her dollhouse and small pony.  The rest of the afternoon she was be seen helping the younger kids learn how to use their new toys, trading toys with her friends to see what new toys were around, and sitting next to the Christmas tree.  Berline was again all smiles after her rest and very ready to check out what was in her stocking.  She was so excited about the candy she found within.  She was amazed that she found 3 whole lollipops just for her and she found a glowstick that she enjoyed a lot once the sun set.
Only one week after their big Christmas celebration it was time to celebrate the New Year as well as Haiti’s independence day, which is on January 1st.  The highlight of the day for most Haitians as well as the kids at the Toddler House is a celebratory soup that is traditionally served at lunchtime.   The soup is called “soup joumou”.  It is a pumpkin soup that has meat, carrots, potatoes, and cabbage.  Everyone looks forward to this soup that is typically only served in Haitian Independence Day.
You will notice this update is coming a week earlier then usual this month.  I am taking a trip home to Wisconsin for 2 weeks starting on January 25th.  I will return to the office on February 11th and do my best to get your February update to you by the end of the month.  Hope you enjoyed hearing a little more about Berline’s holiday celebrations this month.
Berline is healthy and growing:
Height: 130 cm
Weight: 57.5 lb

Hope 2013 is off to a great start for you,

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