Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Real Prayerwalk!

OK, so on Monday I thought it would be a great idea to teach the kids about prayer. I truly am not all that great at it myself, so I thought I needed to make a special effort. I had read about a prayer walk recently, and I adapted it to my project. Now before I go any further, I have to explain a little something about myself. I am a project person, not a long term goal kind of person. I get really excited and honestly obsessed with one idea, and I run it into the ground. Then I quickly lose interest and bail. I wait about 6 months, and then I have a new fresh obsession. Case in point, the McDonald Mission. I made lesson plans and calendars on how to teach my kids about Missions. I bought maps, checked out books from the library, and ordered videos. I had a new country planned for each month. Ask me how long that lasted.....2 months. And so it went with soap making, sewing, scrap booking.....

So back to the prayer walk. I had envisioned my children walking the neighborhood, praying for their friends, and eventually praying for the people we hadn’t met yet. So I thought, baby steps, we will just walk our block and pray at the houses where their friends live. They were so excited! And so we took off. And about 10 feet into the walk, before we had whispered one prayer, Kimberlyn fell and scrapped both her knees. She then of course, wanted me to carry her the entire way. She was crying, loudly, and said she did not want to pray. Jachin, my firstborn, was oblivious to his hurting sister, and was walking up to every house with the prayer hands to pray for his friends. He would say “God, please keep them safe. Please help them have a great life, for the rest of their lives.” Bo was just running.

We walked past a neighbor that we haven’t met yet. He was sitting outside with his son to watch the garbage truck go by. We smiled, and then Jachin said, “We are on a prayer walk!” The man smiled and said something like, great buddy. I was embarrassed thinking that this man thought that we thought he needed prayer. Like we were righteous and everyone else in the world is doomed. And then I was ashamed that I was embarrassed to be praying. And so our prayer walk ended. It was a Reality Prayer Walk. This is how I should have expected it to go, not some pie in the sky idea that all my children would get into it. But I think we will try it again; it is worth a shot.

So what is my next project....?

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