Monday, September 10, 2007

Lelli Kelly

Kimberlyn is such a girlie girl! I don’t know where she gets it. I was a tomboy growing up. It was a fight weekly on Sundays to get me to wear those itchy dresses and tights. Kimberlyn wants to be a princess daily. She wants to wear her clicky shoes with everything. She loves wearing her leotard and tights for dance class. She loves anything pink and anything with the word princess is the best. We were at the church block party last night and they had a snow cone stand. She asked for a Strawberry Princess snow cone (they had strawberry), because princess would make it better. Don’t get me wrong, she has her tough moments. I have to tell her to not hit her brother more than the other way around. She wanted to do the zipline at the church because Jachin did it.

So what is this Lelli Kelly thing? When any commercial comes on TV that shows little girls being girly, she is all over that. Lelli Kelly is a british company that makes girls shoes. They are covered with beads and sequins. And now for the kicker----they come with a small purse and nail polish. The commercial is full of girls dressing up and being girly. So Kimberlyn is hooked! She has asked for “Kelly the pretty shoes” for her birthday. I thought it was cute and started searching for these shoes. I was in for a shock. This little girls shoes are $50-75!!!!! I don’t even spend that much on my shoes. Kimberlyn is only 3. That is not ok. So Andy told me to go buy some shoes, glue sequins on them, and buy some nail polish. That wasn’t a bad idea (and I may do that), but I felt like I would be lying to my child, when she opened the box and said “My Kelly the pretty Shoes!” So I started my online search for these ridiculous shoes, hoping to find a deal somewhere. I cannot believe parents actually buy these things for their children. I could find them on sale for 5-10 dollars off, but they were all still over $50. I was getting discouraged, when I hit the jackpot. I found clearance Lelli Kelly shoes on I found a pair of pink high tops with beading for $20 with free shipping! I was so happy. Finally I had the best of both worlds. I could give Kimberlyn the one thing she had asked for her birthday (which is just insane that a 3 year old is asking for shoes, but that is our daughter) and not break the bank. The shoes are not that cute, but they are pink! She is going to love the nail polish. Andy tells me that I am creating a monster. He thinks I am teaching her that she can get whatever she wants. I think I am teaching her if mommy can find it on sale, she can get something she wants on her birthday. The one thing I am not happy about, is that when Kimberlyn wears her fancy shoes out, the other moms will think, How could they spend that much money on a toddler? I know I would think that!

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